"Dewch i ymuno a ni"
" Dewch i ymuno a ni" Antediluvian RFC Golden Oldies Tour 2016 to Cardiff WalesThe English translation: “Come along and join us” for the 21st edition of the Golden Oldies Rugby Festival August 21st - 28th, 2016 in Cardiff Wales.
To All Antediluvians & Friends
We are pleased to announce that the Antediluvians RFC continues to build on our reputation as a true Social Rugby Club by having registered to participate in the Golden Oldies Rugby Festival in Cardiff Wales.
Our plan is to arrive in Cardiff with a full tour group of 45 (players/tourists) that appreciate the benefits of playing enjoyable old boys rugby while participating in the many great social activities throughout the Festival.

Cardiff is one of the 7 wonders of the Rugby World and with the opening/closing events planned for Millennium Stadium it is guaranteed to be a great experience.

Based on feedback from the 2014 Golden Oldies Event , the 2016 Festival will retain most of the traditional Golden Oldies Festival format with a few enhancements to both the on field playing and off field experiences. I encourage you to go to the Golden Oldies link for more details. http://www.goldenoldiessports.com/eventpage/events/2016-golden-oldies-world-rugby-festival-cardiff/welcome-105