Davie Graham Cup- Saturday October 1st, 2016 in Calgary –Antediluvians RFC vs Calgary Cobras RFC
The day started off with a rainy trip down the highway, and finished with off with a beautiful sunset over the Calgary Rugby Union Park fields, and a happy bunch of Antediluvians. We had a great turnout of players, including a number of Davie Graham Cup rookies from the Lep-Tigers RFC and the Nor’Westers RFC. Notable on the Cobras squad, was four of their lads that came on the Golden Oldies Cardiff Tour with the Antediluvians RFC in August 2016, Eli McQuaid, Steve Reisig, Mike Sarosiak, and Adam Stamper. Also Don Brander laced on the boots, and pulled on the Cobras jersey for the game, and was the oldest player on the field. The game was well played by both the Antediluvians (representing Alberta North) and the Calgary Cobras (representing Alberta South). The Antes opened up the scoring with 2 tries, but Calgary came back and tied the score on the last play of the first half. Under Coach Woodie Power’s direction and motivation, the Antediluvians started the second half strong scoring the go ahead try, only to have the Cobras come back to tie the game again. The Antediluvians took a 4-3 lead in the last quarter and hung on to score late in the game to make the final score 5-3. All old boy rugby games officially end in a tie, but us competitive guys always keep score. Davie Graham, the Cup’s namesake was there to make the official presentation at the end of the game.
It was a great celebration at the end of the game, and into the afternoon, with the players and friends drinking from the Old Boys cup, also known as “The Fountain of Youth”. Thanks to everyone who made it out for the day, and Scott Thibeault and the Calgary Cobras for a great game and hosting. The final game for the first division men’s championship was a barn burner that we enjoyed from the deck with cold beer and warm sunshine. The result was St. Albert RFC hanging on at the end, on their goal line to win 27-22 over the Calgary Hornets RFC. A classic rugby day!
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