STRATHCONA DRUIDS Rugby Football Club 3rd Annual Golf Tournament Fundraiser

STRATHCONA DRUIDS Rugby Football Club 3rd Annual Golf Tournament Fundraiser July 22, 2017
The Strathcona Druids Rugby Football Club (R.F.C.) is a Sherwood Park/Edmonton based club founded in 1960. We have a membership of over 250 players ranging in age from 6 to 60 years. We are registered as a not for profit association and our facility is maintained through the hard work of our members and the generosity of our corporate neighbors and friends. Over the past two seasons our golf tournament fundraiser has turned out to be a resounding success, so much so that we have had to increase participation each year. This year we will be running a 144 player shotgun start event. Proceeds from the tournament go towards field and building maintenance, upgrades and utilities.
We are looking for people to participate in the tournament. For the low cost of $115 you get entry into the tournament with cart, dinner catered by Chartier and a party we will be giving away lots of door prizes and having a raffle. Thank you in advance for any support you can offer the Strathcona Druids in their fundraising efforts.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.
Dylan Thompson Tournament Coordinator Druids Rugby Football Club
Home of Western Canada’s Largest High School Rugby Tournament The Lynn Davies Tournament -Hosting Over 650 Young Athletes from Western Canada Druids Rugby 1960-2016 Strong -Tough -Proud