Edmonton Rugbyfest Version 2018

The Edmonton Rugbyfest , the 50th anniversary this past May long weekend was a great success all round, enjoyed by all. The old boys division was very good with over 80 players in action. It was a terrific turnout of old boys from the Lep-Tigers RFC, St. Albert RFC and the Antediluvians and friends from Calgary Cobras RFC (Scott Thibeault), Saskatoon Gophers (with a few Winnipeg lads), Red Deer Titans RFC (Sean Tindal), and the rest who showed up on the day. We played 3 old boy games with the L-T’s playing St. Albert to kick things off.

Mick Graham did a very commendable job referring all 3 old boy games. Or as we like to say 31 refs on the field, 1 with a whistle , in old boys rugby. All games officially end in a tie, although the L-T’s had a younger, faster team under Team Manager Norm Suvan Junior’s good recruiting. Bruce Rose the Team Manager of St. Albert put together a good team from Sturgeon River country. Blue skies and warm weather and cold beer made for a perfect afternoon. The games were well contested with good pace, good tackling, and some nice tries.

A number of players changed jerseys through the day like Woodie Power playing for the L-T’s and then the Ante-D’s. There were over 100 spectators ranging from new born to 90 on the sidelines. Nice to see some of the old guard including Davie Graham, co-founder of Rugbyfest in 1968, Con Dragu of the Pirates, and Norm Suvan Sr. to name a few.

Rugby looks alive and well with over 70 teams attending, including a touring side from Wales. Thanks to Scotty Wright and Doug Slater who handed out beer mugs on Sunday for the classic Beer-B-Cue at OTS Park. Until next year….