Antediluvians RFC- July 3, 2018 Newsletter

Hello Friends and Fellow Antediluvians,
· Our next Fun Run of the rugby season is this evening Tuesday July 3rd , from 6:30 PM to 8 PM at Lynn Davies Rugby Park, home of the Strathcona Druids RFC in Sherwood Park.
Followed by the popular rehydration and strategic planning session (have a few beers and shoot the breeze) starting at 8 PM. Everyone is welcome to join us in the pub.
The Fun Runs will run weekly to the end of September. A great way to play some touch rugby and toss the ball around, with a bit of stretching and fitness. Hope to see you out players and social members!
The Antediluvians RFC and any old boy rugby players have been invited to play an old boys contact rugby game on Druids Day Saturday July 14th with a 1:30 PM kick off at the Lynn Davies Rugby Park. If you are interested in playing please contact Scott Vandusen at the fun Runs or e-mail him ( .
The Antediluvians have also been invited to play on Lep-Tiger RFC Day on Saturday July 28th at the L-T fields. Please contact Eric Germain if you would like to play on July 28th ( ).
The ever popular Antediluvians RFC have also been invited to play the St. Albert RFC Old Boys on Saturday August 25th at the St. Albert Rugby Club fields with a 2 PM kick off. Please contact Eric Germain if you would like to play in this game.
CORRECTION: Only use the Rugby Canada site if you plan to play contact rugby for the Antediluvians RFC .
Do not use this sign up site if you only plan to come out to the outdoor Fun Runs.
Apparently Rugby Canada has added their own version of the carbon tax to this sign up site to squeeze a few more bucks out of you. We will go back to our old system of collecting the outdoor Fun Run dues at the Fun Runs. Annual fee of $30 for all of the outdoor Fun Runs, or $5 for walk on per Fun Run. These fees go directly to the field and facility rental costs.
We have our site set up for players to register for the 2018 contact rugby season with the Antediluvians RFC on the Rugby Canada website (
Contact rugby will need to sign up for the old boys rugby category ($60) and the social membership ($25) on the website. Any questions on signing up contact : Scott Vandusen, e-mail:
· The Antediluvians Old Boys RFC is the old boys rugby team for all Edmonton Rugby Union Clubs and beyond.
Like our motto says “Any Old Boy Rugby Player, From Any Club, Anywhere In The World”
· Please feel free to forward this ARFC newsletter on to anyone you know who may be interested in the Antediluvians RFC, or send us their e-mail address and we’ll put them on our e-mail list.
· If you are changing your e-mail address, or would like to receive our updates and newsletters at a different address, let us know.
· Check out our website for up to date info, and a great collection of photos and stories of Antediluvians RFC games, tours and events, past present and future!
Cheers from the Antediluvians Old Boys Rugby Club,
tel: 780-991-0417
Twitter Handle: @noah_rugby
Story of the Day:
How does Darth Vader like his toast?
On the Dark Side!